Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Caw-Caw Tale -- A Story for Children: Orlando, Aahir, Lily, Mason, Mila, Ariya, Sidhu, Samyu and Ananya

Why would anyone want to read a story about a crow?
Crows are ordinary birds and we see so many of them, don't we?
They're not like the beautiful birds that we go to see in a zoo or a park.
Or are they?

Close your eyes and think of a crow. Now change the colour of the crow, in your mind, to purple or orange. Interesting? And before you open your eyes, change it back to black again.Doesn’t a crow have a lovely shape? Think how its glossy black wings shine in the sun!

Once, in Guppy and Poppy's house, the crows started gathering every evening on a tall black-siris tree . Here's what happened. At first there were just two crows on the topmost branch of the tree and they cawed loudly, again and again. Now, a lot of crows joined the first two. They came in, five and six at a time, until the tree looked as if it was covered in black leaves!Then all the other birds that had been singing sweetly became quiet. All the sweetly singing birds rushed back to their nests and kept their little ones quiet, so that the large, noisy crows who were threatening them couldn’t come and attack the babies. It was scary.

So Suraj picked up some small stones and hurled them at the big tree, not to hit the crows, but to frighten them away. Suddenly, the big siris tree lost all its black leaves. But they didn’t fall to the ground, they all scattered and flew away, caw-caw-cawing loudly.

The mynahs were the first to rush out and fly madly around, celebrating the crows going away. Then the parrots, the little pigeons, the muniyas and every other bird in the garden sang loudly again.
Crows aren’t very popular with other birds, are they?

What would we do without crows, though? They help us to keep a place clean, do you know? They eat those small animals which become pests if there are too many of them.They even eat up dead animals and help to protect other animals and human beings from the germs and diseases that could spread around them.

One day, we saw that one of the crows was badly hurt. It kept hopping along on the ground. It couldn’t fly. Maybe some larger bird or animal had attacked it. Its right wing hung limply by its side. It looked like a wounded soldier wearing a black coat with one empty sleeve. No, it couldn’t fly with that wing hanging hurt like that.How would it get back into its nest? Surely there were other animals waiting to catch that helpless crow and eat it up. There were cats, snakes, jackals, and even a leopard that came by, very quietly, in the night. Everyone worried about the poor thing.

But the little wounded crow was not alone or helpless.Two of its friends flew around it all day, one on each side, and they cawed loudly if anyone tried to get near the wounded bird. They guarded the crow until it was well enough to start hopping around smartly all over the yard, looking very busy! Suraj and the other boys started throwing bits of bread and roti to it. It was fed by all of us.

After some days, Soldier Crow could make short flights. We kept putting roti and bread pieces in the usual places. After a week or so, we never saw it again.


Unknown said...

charming. why dont u do more on children column or smtg.....kit kat


Not only children will, but this grown up loves it too!

Sangeeta Mahajan said...

Lovely story Gowri. This will be my next weekend story for Orlando. Thanks so much for sharing

Gowri Mohanakrishnan said...

Kumar, thank you so much. I'm overjoyed. Do let me know what Orlando thinks.